
The following sections cover the basic functionalities and features of Pyplan. Pyplan is in permanent evolution, so you will probably find minor differences between this document and the last Pyplan version running online.

What you will find in this User Guide

The User Guide has been structured in the following sections:

Pyplan App Homepage

Where the application’s main menu and tools are described.

File Manager

Users have their own workspace and can also access a Public workspace. The File manager provides assistance for working with files related to your applications.


Pyplan organizes Python code in nodes that are represented as a workflow (influence diagram.) In this section, all the tools and features created for helping you build the calculation and data manipulation logic are explained.


Calculation steps are contained in nodes that end with a result. These nodes can be evaluated, and their result can be displayed as a table, graph or map. All native Pyplan visualization alternatives and parameter configurations are described in this section. It is important to highlight that it is also possible to use many other visualization libraries available in Python, like Bokeh or Plotly for rendering results.

Interface Designer

Visualization and user controls are grouped in interfaces which allow the user to interact with your app and explore the results. In this chapter, we will explain how to create, configure, and share these apps. Most importantly: no coding required!

Configuration and User Management

The enterprise version of Pyplan is installed on a server or provided as a service through Amazon Elastic Cloud. In this section, we will explore the app’s architecture and how to administer users in terms of security and resources.

Tutorials, Examples and Demos

In the Public folder that you can access through the File manager, you will find many Pyplan models grouped as Tutorials, Examples and Demos. Tutorials are basic examples that illustrate how Pyplan natively handles and interact with Python objects. The Examples are intended to demonstrate what can be done with Pyplan. You can review its code to understand how to adapt or reuse any piece of code in your own project. In the Demos folder, you will find complete applications related to certain topics and/or industries.

What you will NOT find in this User Guide

Pyplan can be considered a Python integrated development environment for data analytics apps. This User Guide is not intended to explain how to program in Python, or in any of the other used libraries, like Pandas, Numpy or Xarray just to name a few. There are plenty of introductory tutorials and courses for you to learn from. The libraries’ own documentation is always a good source of information, and for any challenging task you can also count on the community help gathered in sites like StackOverflow.

Formerly Cubeplan users

Pyplan is the software evolution of Cubeplan. Improvements were so radical that required a change in the name of the product. However, in order to make it easy for former Cubeplan users to migrate to Pyplan, we have created a library that reproduces, as similar as possible, Cubeplan functions and syntax. Cubeplan models cannot be run in Pyplan. A good way to learn how to use Python is to migrate an existing Cubeplan model.

Pyplan Library correlation with Cubeplan

Check examples available in Pyplan Library folder to see how things you did in Cubeplan are now done using Pyplan .

enter image description here

The following table contains Cubeplan basic function list and its correlation in Pyplan.

Model Title in Cubeplan Pyplan Library Node with example PPL,XA or Pandas
Selecting Data from Array change index change_index change_index_ex /change_index_by_pos_ex PPL
Selecting Data from Array subscript subscript subscript_ex PPL
Selecting Data from Array subscript looking up lookup lookup_ex PPL
Selecting Data from Array subset subset subset_ex PPL
Selecting Data from Array slice slice_dataarray slice_dataarray_ex PPL
Basic Math and Missing Values size len() len_size_ex XA
Basic Math and Missing Values size dataarray.size len_size_ex XA
Basic Math and Missing Values undef_filter fill_all fillall_ex PPL
Basic Math and Missing Values nvx_is_null/nvx_is_nan dataarray.fillna() missing_values_methodsfillna XA
Basic Math and Missing Values undef_filter fill_inf fillinf_ex PPL
Basic Math and Missing Values min dataarray.min( min_along_indexes XA
Basic Math and Missing Values max dataarray.max( max_along_indexes XA
Basic Math and Missing Values if then else xr.where xr_where_exa XA
Basic Math and Missing Values min_ xr.ufuncs.minimum mini_maxi_among_2_dataarrays XA
Basic Math and Missing Values max_ xr.ufuncs.maximum pp_maximum XA
Aggregation and Rolling window operations sum dataarray.sum( sum_ex XA
Aggregation and Rolling window operations cumulate dataarray.cumsum( cumsum_ex XA
Aggregation and Rolling window operations cumproduct dataarray.cumprod( cumprod_ex XA
Aggregation and Rolling window operations backward looking sum dataarray.rolling back_look_sum_example XA
Aggregation and Rolling window operations filtered aggregate aggregate aggregate_ex PPL
Working with Indexes concat concat_index concatindex_ex PPL
Working with Indexes new add_periods_ex add_periods_ex PPL
Working with Indexes new apply_fn apply_fn_ex PPL
Working with Indexes find in text find find_ex PPL
Working with Indexes splittext split_text splittext_ex PPL
Dynamic NPV IRR and Linear Depreciation npv npv npv_ex PPL
Dynamic NPV IRR and Linear Depreciation irr irr irr_ex PPL
Dynamic NPV IRR and Linear Depreciation dynamic dynamic dynamic_ex PPL
Dynamic NPV IRR and Linear Depreciation new create_time time PPL
Dynamic NPV IRR and Linear Depreciation linear depreciation linear_depreciation linear_depreciation_ex PPL
Dynamic NPV IRR and Linear Depreciation or ¦ NA XA
Reading Data from Excel nvx_da_source_cone excel_connection excel_connection_ex PPL
Reading Data from Excel nvx_read_index index_from_excel reading_example_index PPL
Reading Data from Excel nvx_read_table dataarray_from_excel dataarray_from_excel_ex PPL
Reading Data from Excel nvx_read_table pandas_from_excel pandas_from_excel_ex PPL
Interacting with Pandas new pd.read_csv pd_read_csv Pandas
Interacting with Pandas new index_from_pandas orders_date PPL
Interacting with Pandas new reading from pandas see example sales_data_by_orders_date XA

Financial Planning Library for Cubeplan users

If you are used to create financial planning models in Cubeplan then these other functions will be useful for you.

Contact your former Cubeplan distributor to ask for the module with these specific functions.

Module Title in Cubeplan Pyplan Library
Financial Planning sea_to_time sea_to_time
Financial Planning annualise annualise
Financial Planning month month
Financial Planning evatime evatime
Financial Planning new days_to_time
Financial Planning new time_to_days
Financial Planning evayears evayears
Financial Planning years to time years_to_time
Financial Planning cascade_volume cascade_volume
Financial Planning band_allocation band_allocation
Financial Planning new dispatch
Financial Planning new nvx_read_multi_sheets
Financial Planning new nvx_smart_pandas
Financial Planning new nvx_round
Financial Planning new nvx_safe_int_div

Use these functions as you used them in Cubeplan.

Pyplan Excel AddIn

Check the following link to install Pyplan Excel AddIn if you need to dynamically download Pyplan Information into your spreadsheets.

enter image description here